• Are ready and willing to show up to create BIG money and FAST momentum because we KNOW the world is better off when GOOD women make GOOD money.

  • Intentionally and strategically curate communities full of raving fans who value our work and pay us with ease.

  • Unapologetically market and promote ourselves consistently like the CEOs and entrepreneurs we are.

  • Purposefully and passionately create and sell offers, products, and services that feel good to us AND our people.

  • Refuse to let making money be dramatic because we KNOW getting paid every day can be simple when you implement the RIGHT strategy daily.

  • Know that the more that we say what we really want to say and do what we really want to do, the more money we make.

  • Know we’re strong, powerful, and capable of conquering the world on our own, but also know we can make it happen even faster when we surround ourselves with people who want to see us win.

.And we do it all with a smile on our face and motto on our mind…

You’re fucking welcome.


The BEST membership community and training library created for coaches, course creators, and service providers who want to get paid, every damn day, and SIMPLY.

Inside The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective, you’ll have the comprehensive trainings, daily accountability, and strategic support you need to help you cultivate profitable communities, create offers people want to pay for, and market yourself intentionally and strategically, all so that you can MASTER the art of consistent cash creation.

PSST! here’s a little secret.


The problem is…most people (and most programs) overcomplicate this, when really, it essentially all comes down to three simple steps:

  1. Growing your audience.



Your job is to decide how you’re going to do those things, do them consistently, and then watch it all add up in your favor.

(Luckily, you’re not most people…and Show Up + Blow Up® isn’t most progams.)



  • I want you to say “FUCK THIS SHIT” to mediocre money, slow growth, and anything else that’s keeping you small right now. I want you to know that your big goals and dreams are possible, and for you to love yourself enough to go ALL IN on creating the exact circumstances you want.

  • I want you to understand that business success isn’t about hustling because you have to or checking off boxes that someone else told you to check. I want you start showing up with purpose and being so damn good that they couldn’t ignore you if they tried.

  • I want you to stop jumping on trends, marketing yourself on platforms you hate, and holding yourself back from becoming who you know you’re meant to be. It’s time to start saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and in a way that feels like home to who you are at your core.

  • I want you to ditch the notion you EVER have to feel guilty about showing up and selling authentically. I want you to give yourself permission to not only give massively, but to ask massively as well, knowing your people are better off when they pay you.

  • I want you to stop chasing every shiny object and re-inventing your strategy every other week. I want you to feel a deep sense of confidence in your ability to make money whenever you want, because you’ve mastered a timeless strategy that helps you do just that.

  • I want you to stop feeling disconnected from your audience and like everything you want is so far away from where you are now. I want you to understand and truly know that huge shifts in momentum, electricity, energy, impact, and income can happen quickly.

  • I want you to stop feeling alone or isolated on your entrepreneurial journey, I want you to have, contribute to, and love being a part of an electric, supportive community that simultaneously lifts you up and pushes you to go bigger.

in case you’re new here…


And since 2017, I’ve taught thousands of entrepreneurs to SHOW UP and BLOW UP online with my simple, signature three step framework. A framework that was born thanks to my own struggle and transformation.

JANUARY 2017 - $8,128

FEBRUARY 2017 - $45,971

You know those moments where you’re hoping and praying for a breakthrough? The moment that the struggle STOPS?

After YEARS of making myself miserable about wanting to make more money - February 2017 was that breakthrough moment for me.

February 1st, I literally had to ask my mom to borrow rent money, even though I had made 6 figures the year before, and in that moment, I decided I was DONE. I was DONE with feast and famine money cycles, DONE never knowing where the next sale was coming from, DONE taking on clients I didn’t actually want to work with because I needed the cash, DONE wondering if I was going to make money each week or month, and almost more than anything else, DONE feeling like making money consistently was so damn hard.

Over the next 30 days, I created and implemented a simple system for showing up daily and selling daily. MASSIVE momentum was built and my business exploded faster than I ever thought possible - and I swear to you, it wasn’t hard or complicated. 

Several years and millions of dollars later, this 3 step framework is still the backbone of everything I do in my business. The only thing that’s changed is that I, and the framework itself, have gotten better.

Today - I’m in control. I know I can create cash whenever I want it or need it. I know I have an audience that knows me and wants to pay me. I know that all I ever need to do is show up and sell, and I’ll make money.

With The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective, I’ve taken the MOST important things I’ve learned since 2017, through building my own business and by coaching thousands of women, and it all in one place so that as many entrepreneurs as possible can make this their reality too.

WHAT the show up + blow up® collective is…

An adaptable, timeless framework that will continue to work for you, year after year, regardless of what may or may not change online.

A method that works for all business levels AND no matter how wacky, out there, intangible, or different your niche is.

A simple core strategy that guides you in creating a daily sales system that you can implement over and over, no matter what you’re selling.

A method that revolves around you showing up with value, and asking for the sale from the masses, at a scaled level.

A framework that can be tailored and customized to who you truly are and how it feels good for you you to show up.

High level, in depth, tangible trainings and guidance that ACTUALLY show you what to do.

A lean space that has been intentionally curated to give you the tools and trainings you actually NEED to succeed.

A community of cool, genuine “COME WITH ME” type of women who are doing all different, powerful things in the world.

WHAT the show up + blow up® collective isn’t…

A bunch of trendy tactics that are focus on vanity metrics or that are only going to work until the next shiny object comes along.

A bunch of advice and guidance that only work if you’re a business coach, talking about money wins all the damn time.

A formula for complicated, pressure filled launches, with so many bells and whistles that you want to quit before you start.

A bunch of strategies that rely on you doing 1:1 sales calls, messaging strangers (EW!), or talking people into find the money to pay you.

A cookie cutter strategy that forces you to do things MY way, or even worse, to abandon who you really are.

All fluff, bullshit, vague advice, or an opportunity for you to just pay to be in my energy.

A membership with a bunch of “extra” content thrown at you just to make it seem like you’re getting an incredible value.

A space you have to be intimidated by or where you’re worried that everyone is going to copy each other.

so WHAT’s included in THE show up + blow up® collective?

The short answer? Basically everything.

I’ve condensed almost my entire body of work into ONE membership so that it can be the ONE place you turn to for all things offers, messaging, selling, and marketing.


comprehensive tRAINING LIBRARy

The JAM PACKED training library is divided into three core sections, based on my signature three part framework - GROW YOUR AUDIENCE, SELL TO YOUR AUDIENCE, and SHOW UP FOR YOUR AUDIENCE. Each section includes specific video trainings so that it’s easy to find what you’re looking for, plus LOTS of supplementary content like worksheets, templates, examples and more. This is regularly updated/added to, especially as members need/request and need it.



I’m not only REALLY proud to offer HIGH LEVEL coaching at a reasonable rate, but I’m also really proud of how POWERFUL our calls are each week. This is a place where I’m able to help you troubleshoot, solve problems, and make strategy decisions, but just as important, you’ll be given the opportunity to share your wins and consistently be reminded of who the fuck you are. My MISSION is to make sure you walk away from these calls feeling HYPED, EMPOWERED, ENCOURAGED, and UNSTOPPABLE. We laugh, we cry, we have fun - and we make a whole lot of money along the way. Calls take place Wednesday’s at 10am Pacific.


We’re focused on RESULTS around here. Therefore, every month on the 1st, we’ll kick off an accountability challenge where your job is to share proof that you’ve shown up and sold every day. On the final day of the month, one person who has done so every day will be picked as the winner. The August challenge prize? $1,000 CASH plus a 60 minute 1:1 session with me.


Can you do it alone? Sure. Are you going to be a fuck of a lot more likely to make BIGGER things happen when you’re surrounded by other people who want to see you win? Absolutely. That’s why we’ll have an active, engaged private Facebook community intended to be a safe, high vibe place for you to ask questions, share wins, and ultimately be in the VIBE of SHOWING UP and BLOWING UP.

I’m active here Monday - Friday for quick questions. (Longer, more in depth questions are most appropriate for the calls.)


Inside the training library, you’ll find my signature program, The $500k Sales System. This is my BEST SELLING program because it’s TRULY one of, if not THE, best marketing programs online. You can learn more about it and read through client testimonials HERE. ** WE ARE GOING THROUGH THE $500K SALES SYSTEM LIVE AS A GROUP STARTING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28TH **


A color coded framework for mapping out your offer and then applying the threads of that framework to EVERYTHING else you do when it comes to marketing yourself - making everything feel way more connected, and just as important, way more likely to bring in sales.


A self study program created to help you, in short, calm the fuck down when it comes to money so that you can finally start MAKING what you desire and deserve - minus the drama. My intention is to help you MASTER knowing how to change the way you think about money, so that you can start feeling the shifts and taking the actions that actually create cash.


I’ve included some of my best and most important masterclasses, including: Messaging to the Masses, Stack the Deck in Your Favor, Stop the Scroll, The Masterclass About Masterclasses, Shut Up + Take My Money Copy, and The Content Bank. Plus, Calling in Your Unicorn, a mindset and messaging masterclass that’s taking place live inside The Collective only on Thursday, August 22nd at 12pm Pacific.


Inside, you’ll find 160 prompts separated into four strategic categories to help you provide massive value to your audience, consistently and strategically ask for the sale, and engage your community in a way that is customizable and feels authentic to you and your business.

exclusive support options

Because I know you want and need extra support from time to time, I offer options like discounted 1:1 sessions and sales pages audits, which are only available to Collective members.




A strict six month commitment is required.


  • We've emailed coupon codes out to alumni who want to join The Collective. If you haven't received that, please email hello@sara-dann.com and Gretchen will send it right over.

  • Because you are getting SO FREAKING much as soon as you register, I require a strict six month commitment for every person who joins. After six months, you’re welcome to cancel (by filling out a specific form on the membership site) anytime. You will continue to be billed until you cancel.

  • You’ll have access to all content for as long as you’re an active, paying member. Upon cancelling your membership/the month you’ve paid through being completed, you will lose access to the membership site and community.

  • Calls will take place Wednesdays at 10am Pacific beginning on December 6th.

    (Calls are subject to change from time to time, but I always do my best to stay on schedule.)

    The calls will work in a first come, first served manner. You let me know you have a question/wanna talk something out, and we’ll do just that. I’ll be mindful to take into account how many people are on, and move through so that it’s as fair as possible to everyone.

  • The Show Up + Blow Up Collective now essentially includes The $500k Sales System.

    While it’s structured differently, all lessons that were in $500k are now part of The Collective.

    I have no future plans to live launch The $500k Sales System.

Before you go…

A final note from Sara.

show up + blow up is no longer just a program. IT’S THE PROGRAM.

I’m going all in, putting (almost) my entire body of work under one roof, all with the intention of being able to bring you the highest quality, most helpful information, trainings, and guidance that ACTUALLY help you create results, so that you never have to guess your way through making money consistently again - all at a really accessible price point.

I assure you, I wouldn’t be doing this unless I really REALLY believed in how much GOOD it was going to be able to do for you.

And let’s be real. This isn’t my first rodeo. After doing this for years, and with thousands of clients, I know what you need know what you need, and also what you don’t.

BOTTOM LINE: With The Collective, I’ve got you covered.

(And quite honestly, I DARE you to find another program that can compare.)

As a member of The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective, you’re going to get A LOT in terms of content and materials and support.

But more than what you GET, I want you to join because of who you believe it’s going to help you become.

I know that I want to live in a world where women aren’t afraid to show up fully as their authentic selves, unapologetically sell things they believe in, and show up to create and claim all the success they’ve ever wanted.

And if you’re still reading this, it’s probably safe to say you want that also.

My hope is that you’ll join me in creating exactly that - for yourself and for the other women who want it too.

Ready? Let’s fucking do this.


Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you ASAP.