”I can’t make BIG money because i’m not a business coach.”
^ This, respectfully, is bullshit.
It’s a belief that I know A LOTTTT of you who are not business coaches have, but that doesn’t make it the TRUTH.
What’s also bullshit, however, is that way too few business coaches ACKNOWLEDGE the differences that exist between those selling offers with an obvious and immediate monetary ROI and those who don’t. (Because yes, there ARE differences. Big ones. No matter what that coach whose entire IG feed is income claims tries to tell you. 🤷🏼♀️)
The shifts that HAVE to happen in order for you to get paid, by more people and more easily, comes down to PRIORITIES.
Too many coaches, service providers, and course creators forget that sure, it’s their job to do their job, but it’s also their job to be MARKETERS, which means two BIG things:
STRATEGICALLY POSITIONING your offers in a way that delivers on the DESIRES that their ideal clients PRIORITIZE.
Showing up and selling TO those who PRIORITIZE your work and will therefore invest in it, instead of everybody that COULD benefit from what you do.
Make those two shifts and the floodgates can open. Promise.
READY TO learn exactly how to make that happen? Good.
A BRAND NEW four week live group program created to help you, non business coaches of the world, transform your marketing and messaging (on an OFFER level) so that you’re selling people what they WANT and showing up in a way that makes them PAY ATTENTION and BUY.
What I know FOR SURE is that there are a whole lot of people out there who WANT and NEED the work you do and are therefore VERY willing to pay you for it.
In Prioritized & Paid, you’re going to make sure you know exactly what to sell and how so that you can experience that as your reality - more easily and more often.
WHO IS this FOR?
A short list of who I was thinking about when I created this…
Life Coaches. Psychics. Health Coaches. Astrologers. Mediums. Dating Coaches. Interior Designers. Sexologists. Somatic Practitioners. Doctors. Wine Teachers. Intuitive Healers. Spirit Guides. Sugar Baby Coaches.
Yes, I’ve worked with ALL of these and so I promise you, no matter your niche, there’s a way to make your work tangible and an easy YES for your people.
And I’m gonna be real with you - for the most part, the business coaching space grosses me the fuck out. 🤢
Now, this is for a lot of reasons - the lack of uniqueness and creativity, the often overpriced coaching packages in the name of proximity, the fact that so many use their income as their sole marketing strategy, the way it’s become normal to see a business coach have ten clients who say (and wear) the exact same as them, etc. etc. etc.
But perhaps the BIGGEST reason is that what I’m TRULY here to do is help women make money by doing what they GENUINELY love, and for most, that means making money because of their skills, gifts, and passions - not their lifestyle or what’s in their bank account.
Which means when it comes to who I want to work with, the more unique and quirky, the better.
I’m incredibly proud of the fact that I’ve worked SUCCESSFULLY with lots of different clients doing lots of different things.
🧚 My Folklorist clients had a $70k+ launch selling a program about curing burnout through the magic of fairytales.
🩸 A former client who specializes in working with women on their period issues once messaged me to let me know she had a $100k DAY, thanks largely in part to the marketing strategies she learned from me.
🪱 A worm farmer who took The $500k Sales System sold five spots to her brand new course immediately after opening up the doors to it.
Women like this are why I know and believe, with every bone in my body, that there are MASSIVE opportunities for ALL types of different coaches and service providers to make a FUCK TON of money online.
BUT - in my opinion and experience, some key strategic steps NEED to be taken.
My intention inside Prioritized & Paid is to make sure you master these steps so that you can use them to make money over and over and over again.
what we’re
week one - tuesday, february 4th
Becoming a Marketer
This lesson will serve as an introduction and overview, based on the most important things I believe so many of you really need to understand and embrace to make more money without selling money. As well, it will be a chance to assess what’s working and what’s not, which will guide the work you do in future lessons.
A dive into the REAL reasons it feels harder to sell things that don’t include a monetary ROI and what overall business mistakes you might be making, and what to do instead, so that HARD is no longer a reality.
Some things make more money than others. Not all of your skills are equally valuable. Bottom line. Therefore, my goal is to make sure you understand the difference so you can focus on the RIGHT things as you show up and sell.
In order for others to understand how powerful and important your work is, YOU need to feel that and share that first.
How to take a strong stance for why you’re different, because that’s extra important when the work you do feels less tangible than others out there.
People spend money when they see they’re going to get what they want. It’s YOUR job to create and sell exactly that, and yes, it’s possible to do no matter how intangible or abstract your work might be. This lesson is dedicated to making sure you know how to strategically create and position offers that people say yes to - no matter your niche.
Fuck Yes Offers
How to recognize what your people view as valuable, and will therefore pay for, so that you can frame and position your offers accordingly. (And the things you need to STOP focusing on because they’re costing you sales.)
Selling to ONE person and selling to MANY people are APPLES and ORANGES, and yet, most people market and sell as if they’re the same thing. I’m going to make sure you understand the difference so you can sell accordingly.
How to take what SELLS and turn it into multiple streams of income. (HINT: A lot of you could be making a lot more money without a lot more work.)
Understanding how to adjust your marketing based on how much you’re charging so that you can speak to the people who care enough to buy - whether you’re selling something for $7 or $7,000.
The idea that pain point marketing is out is bullshit, if you ask me. However, we need to make sure we’re BALANCING pain and desire in our content if we want to attract the RIGHT people.
Similarly we’ll be talking about how to balance HARD and SOFT content - because one grabs the attention of the masses, while the other grabs the attention of those who already know you, and it’s critical you know the difference.
Sharing with you a brand new, SUPER SIMPLE technique that will help you focus on the RIGHT stuff in your content. The beauty of this is that it will not only make your next launch easier and more successful - it will make every one to follow better too.
If you can’t get their attention, it’s gonna be hard to get their sale. Period. We’ll make sure you know how to LEAD with scroll stopping hooks and headlines so that you capture those who want and need your work.
More than ever, content marketing is a game of INTENTION. In this lesson, we’ll focus on the VALUE you lead with in your content to make sure it’s capturing attention and sets you up for sales. (If you’re familiar with my GIVE + ASK framework, this lesson is dedicated to the GIVING aspect of your content.)
Valuable Visibility
A lot of people sell every day, but they’re not actually SELLLINGGGGGG every day. In this lesson, we’re going to make sure you’re asking for the sale in a way that WORKS. (If you’re familiar with my GIVE + ASK framework, this lesson is dedicated to the ASKING aspect of your content.)
Turning Desires Into Dollars
How to show up and command sales, KNOWING that people are better off when they pay you.
How to make sure your CTA’s are powerful and effective instead of easily ignored.
How to make your people FEEL how different things could be for them by working with you. (You’ll be given prompts and examples that you can take and run with.)
what’s included?
Four Live Group Trainings
Starting on Tuesday, February 4th at 12pm Pacific, we’ll have weekly group trainings via Zoom where we go through the core four lessons of the program. We’ll do Q+A at the end of each training as well.
YES, these will be recorded and you’ll have lifetime access.
Supplementary Content
For each lesson, you’ll receive supplementary training materials that will help you truly understand and put the lessons into action. This includes workbooks, templates, examples, and more.
Membership Site
All trainings and supplementary content will be provided via a private membership site for easy access. You’ll have lifetime access to all materials.
Private Facebook Group
To give you even more support, and so that you feel connected to the others taking the program, you’ll also have access to a private, members only Facebook group during the four weeks of the program.
I’ll be active here Monday - Friday to answer quick questions and will check in once or twice per day.
Meta Ads Training!
Especially for those of you who want to make big money without CHARGING business coach level rates, it’s crucial that you’re focusing on VOLUME! Specifically, getting more people in your world.
That’s why I’ve decided to go ahead and add in a bonus week where we cover how to do that with META ADS. We’ll cover the types of ads you should be running, how to set yourself up so that you’re always re-targeting your warm audience, tutorials on how to set everything up, design and copy tips, and more.
Live training will take place tuesday, march 4th at 12pm pacific. yes it will be recorded.

Before you go…
A final note from Sara.
Let’s be clear. I’m not here to villainize business coaches. (I am one, after all.)
I’m also not here for anyone who wants to play VICTIM to the business coaches of the world, because quite frankly, they’re not the reason YOU aren’t making more money.
What I am here to do, however, is REMIND you how possible your big goals are and then to STRATEGICALLY guide you through making that happen.
KEYWORD: Strategically. Because, at the end of the day, successful marketing requires strategy, whether you love it or not.
So…if you’re looking for a program that’s going to tell you to go with the flow and do whatever you want as long as it feels good…then you’re in the wrong place.
But if you’re looking to finally get your marketing and messaging RIGHT so that you know how to show up and sell your next offer, and the ten after that, Prioritized & Paid is going to be the program you’ll wish had existed sooner.