oh hey! HANDS UP IF YOU…
🙋🏾♀️ Dream about ditching the feast and famine money rollercoaster FOREVER because you always know and believe that more cash is on the way.
🙋🏿♀️ Want people coming into your world each day, falling in love with you and your message, and HAPPILY paying you.
🙋🏻♀️ Know ten+ new customers buying from you each week (who then go on to buy from you again and again) would completely transform your life and business.
🙋🏼♀️ Are DONE overcomplicating, re-inventing the wheel, and constantly feeling overwhelmed by new potential marketing strategies.
🙋🏻♀️ Wish you knew EXACTLY what to do/post/email/say/share EVERY SINGLE DAY to make money every single day - without guesswork, overwhelm, or doing shit you hate.
🙋🏼♀️ Would LOVE it if big money months didn’t HAVE to include sales calls, messaging strangers (EW!), complicated launches, or anything else that drains you and your energy.
🙋🏽♀️ Want to be in a position where you ONLY take on soulmate 1:1 clients and you’re able to turn down anyone that’s not a good fit, all because you don’t NEED the cash.
🙋🏽♀️ Are ready to never EVER feel like you have to beg for a sale or hunt for new clients ever again - simply because you know that when you put out offers, your people always buy with ease.
🙋🏾♀️ Don’t want to EVER panic about a single launch again, because you KNOW, no matter what, that money is always coming in in lots of ways, thereby taking the pressure off of any one thing.
🙋🏿♀️ Want to be so certain in yourself, your programs, and your strategy that you not only call in cash consistently, but you’re also able to actually love and enjoy your business.
NO BULLSHIT: I’ve created a simple, effective sales system that makes ALL OF THIS a reality.
I want it to be YOUR reality too.
An eight week live group program created to teach you EXACTLY what to do to SIMPLY and effectively GROW your audience, NURTURE your audience, and SELL to your audience every single day - so that you can make money every single day.
This program was born after 2017, my company’s first $500k+ CASH year. I’ve gone on to make MILLIONS since with this simple, but powerful, sales system being the BACKBONE for how I’ve created almost every dime of it.
With this program, you’ll create and implement a marketing system that you can use, over and over, month after month, year after year, to bring in sales consistently, without it ever feeling messy, forced, hard, or heavy - promise.
BIG promise, I know, but I mean it. Five reasons why:
TIMELESS PRINCIPLES. I’m not teaching you things that will work for a month or two until a new strategy pops up. We go over the HOW in a way that fundamentally covers what you need to know to make money now AND forever, regardless of platform or trends.
FLEXIBLE STRUCTURE. I’m teaching you the EXACT nitty gritty, no fluff version of how I’ve shown up and sold things for years, but also showing you how to adjust it for YOUR life and business.
IT GROWS WITH YOU. One of my favorite things about The $500k Sales System is that it’s truly applicable at any stage. I’ve had both people just starting out AND women who have already made multiple 6 and 7 figures successfully implement this system. These materials will be something you use and reference for years to come.
IT’S TAUGHT LIVE AND UPDATED. The fact that some of these coaches out here are selling programs that were recorded years ago is WILD, if you ask me. The reason I’m teaching this live, even though I’ve run it so many times before, is because I want you to have updated info around how to apply everything you’re learning, based on what’s working NOW.
YOU’RE (NOT) ON YOUR OWN, KID. This is not one of those programs where you can’t ask questions or seek support for what YOU individually need. Between the group coaching calls and the private Facebook group, you’ll be supported and guided as you make your way through the information.
My mission is to help you
strategically simplify what you do to sell your stuff in a way that adds up - big time.
Because if you ask me, FREEDOM doesn’t come from a few big money months here and there. It comes from knowing how to ALWAYS create cash and customers, whenever you want.
The $500k Sales System was created because it’s exactly what I did to create that reality - and it will 100% help you do it too.
Hi I’m Sara!
And I know that I can make money WHENEVER I WANT.
But of course - it wasn’t always that way.
The truth is that for the first four YEARS of my business, I struggled. Big time.
🤦🏼♀️ I went to bed every night stressing when the next sale or client would come in.
🤦🏼♀️ I took on clients that made me miserable just because I needed the money.
🤦🏼♀️ I often worked 12+ hours a day, but on things that didn’t actually help me, because I was so unclear as to what my actual money making activities were.
🤦🏼♀️ I struggled to build a loyal following because I was so busy chasing sales and obsessing over money.
🤦🏼♀️ I listened to anyone that claimed to be making money and chased strategy after strategy because I lacked certainty in myself.
🤦🏼♀️ I was completely inconsistent in my actions and efforts because I struggled to enjoy my business.
But in February of 2017, everything changed FOREVER. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I had a line in the sand moment where I decided I was DONE with ACCEPTING the struggle. One day, after literally asking my mom to borrow rent money, I decided enough was enough. It was time to stop hoping for sales and to start COMMANDING the cash I knew I was capable and worthy of.
I figured that maybe, just maybe, if I committed to really pouring into my community, intentionally showing up, and selling daily, I could probably make money daily.
And it worked. (DUH!)
After a month of doing exactly that, I had my first $45k month, which led to my first $500k year.
I’ve gone on to make millions since, with this simple, timeless sales system being the backbone of pretty much every single penny.
I’ve created close to 100 programs since I started my business, and while I’ve believed in all of them, there hasn’t been a single one that I believe in or care about more than the $500k sales system.
It changed my life in every way - and I know it can change yours.
The week by week lesson breakdown.
Introduction + Overview
The most important principles of this sales system, and that I’ve held onto in my own business, that have ALWAYS helped me calm down AND make more money. If I keep NOTHING else in mind, it’s these things.
How to view your business as a whole so that you are no longer doing a little bit of this and a little bit of that. You’ll see the overall BLUEPRINT for your business and what you need to be focused on so that it all works like a well oiled machine.
The most important things I want you to know so that you can absolutely CRUSH IT during our time together.
So that you can get a jumpstart on the program and the sales system itself, I wanted to give you an overview of it as a whole before we dive into all the specifics. This is going to allow you to understand it on a deeper level so that you can nail it AND move faster - promise.
Community Equals Cash
An engaged audience that TRUSTS you is the BACKBONE to bringing in money on demand. It’s literally your insurance policy for KNOWING cash can always come in. Therefore, our first core lesson is dedicated to creating just that.
Exactly what steps to take to GROW your audience EVERY SINGLE DAY.
What you REALLY need to understand about how to strategically and intentionally pick the social media platforms you’ll be showing up on so that you can actually CONNECT with your people - because bigger numbers, without connection, doesn’t help you at all. (Most people get this really wrong!)
How to show up for your people and gain their trust while also maintaining your personal boundaries, including how to balance free content and what you keep for paid customers only.
One of the most important parts of this program, we’ll cover intentional customer attraction so that you know how to get more of the RIGHT people, instead of the ones who will never buy.
The Fuck Yes Offer Formula
The programs you create and how you FEEL about them has MORE to do with the money you make than your marketing. In this lesson, I’m teaching you how to launch offers your people will want to RUN for their credit card to pay for.
The two things to include in your offer that will ALWAYS make them sell WAY more easily and to way more people.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, I do to quickly launch and sell offers that feel good for me AND that my audience says yes to with ease. We’ll cover how to structure your programs, picking the right price points, a bunch of bonus example options, and so much more.
The CRITICAL practical and mindset steps to go through to make sure you feel massively confident about your offers and KNOW they’re going to sell, including what to do and shift if you’re NOT feeling certain.
We’ll cover how to write and design simple, but effective sales pages that convert, including how to incorporate them into all of your marketing. As well, I’ll guide you through what to do if you don’t have or want a sales page, so that you can get customers to pay minus any tech headaches.
How to LITERALLY pull money out of thin air. I will be giving to you, on a silver freaking platter, TEN ideas for offerings that ANY coach can offer at ANY time, even if you don’t have ANY programs or courses currently.
WEEK 4 - january 27th at 12pm pacific
Your Sales Plan
Learn how to strategically roll out offers in a way that you’re constantly turning strangers into customers with ease - customers that will go on and buy more and more from you.
Mapping out WHEN you're going to sell what, and how to establish effective deadlines for your launches so that your people are moving at every stage of the process.
From a timeline perspective, how to incorporate free or low end offers into your overall sales process so that you’re setting yourself up to get the biggest bang for your buck.
Strategy tips for making sure current customers are going on to buy your other offers.
How to set, and HIT, launch goals so that you’re CREATING the cash you want.
Being strategic and intentional about what you sell, when, and for how long is a BIG PART of creating consistent customers and sales. No more marketing blindly or hoping sales come in.
WEEK 5 - february 3rd at 12pm pacific
Money Making Marketing
Writing posts, creating short form videos or doing live videos, and emails that make your people WANT to buy is so much easier than you’re making it. In this lesson, I want to make sure you’re CLEAR on what to create and share each day to make money, SIMPLY.
How to create a daily marketing system for yourself so that you FINALLY know what to actually DO every day/week/launch to make money. NO MORE COMPLICATING THIS. You’ll know what boxes to check off every single day, but in a way that feels aligned to YOU.
I’ve broken ALL content, no matter what platform, into FOUR main content categories. You’ll get an in depth look at these categories, plus examples, so that you can use them yourself.
What you need to know and understand about the difference between content that makes you money and content that builds your brand. Understanding AND utilizing both is crucial.
Exactly how I’ve created $50-$100k+ months spending ONE hour a day on marketing. You’ll see an exact breakdown of EVERYTHING both Gretchen and I do to market my programs, including my daily and weekly checklists that cover EVERY SINGLE post/email/thing I do, where, and why.
How to strategically re-purpose your content onto other platforms so that you’re stretching your efforts without working harder. Plus, a behind the scenes look at how we organize our content and marketing efforts so that we can make the next time we launch the same program just as effective, but WAY easier. This is GOLD - promise!
week 6 - february 10th at 12pm pacific
You’re Fucking Welcome For Selling
In order to GET sales all the time, it’s really important that you clearly and confidently ASK for sales all the time. In this lesson, we’ll go deeper into how to effectively and authentically sell to your audience on a regular basis in a way that feels good for you AND them.
How to show up loudly, proudly, and confidently, KNOWING that people are LUCKY to hear about your offers and to pay you.
All things sales and money mindset - how to work through feelings of guilt/ickiness as you SELL, how to stop feeling like you’re annoying your audience, how to feel WORTHY of the sale, and so much more.
How to COMMAND sales by effectively and powerfully pitching on video, in your emails, and on your posts - especially towards the end of the launch.
Exactly what I do to figure out what to say and share with my audience to get them to BUY, including what I change/do/fix when it doesn’t feel like the sales are going to come in.
One of the BIGGEST problems I see, over and over again, is women launching something and then quitting two days in, even though there’s a ton of time left. I’m going to make sure you’re not quitting on yourself or going to plan B before you’ve given your launch a chance to work.
BONUS week 7 - february 17th at 12pm pacific
Meta Ads That Work With Your Sales System
How to CREATE custom audiences full of your website traffic, your email list, and your Instagram followers, and how to target them with ads.
How to set up a simple ad that gets in front of the people you want to target non stop.
What ads to use to get in front of NEW people with your freebies and low end offers and how to run ads for your main offers during your launch period.
How to NAIL the look and message of your ads so that they grab the attention of the RIGHT people.
Ads can be a BEAST. In this bonus lesson, I’ll be guiding you step by step, through a few simple strategies for you that ANYONE can implement, even if you’re totally new to ads.
bonus week 8 - february 24th at 12pm pacific
The Rainbow Method
I’m going to walk you through how to COLOR CODE the brilliance that you’ve learned inside The $500k Sales System. This will make everything feel way more connected, and just as important, way more likely to bring in sales.
The more clarity you have about your offers = the more easily you can sell them. Period. That’s why we’ll kick off the masterclass with breaking down my signature process of mapping out an offer, with a new color coded element added, to make sure you have more clarity than ever before. (This method can apply to ANY type of offer - 1:1, group, high end, low end, etc.)
Following this framework will make this a million times easier for you - and a million times more powerful for those who read them. (You’ll even get easy to follow, color coded templates for both of these types of pages.)
Way too many people create and offer free trainings that are out of alignment with their offer, which costs them sales. A lot of them. That changes with this method. (You’ll even get a template for masterclass slides so that you can see how this method works visually.)
I’ll be showing you how to create a color coded plan for yourself so that you not only powerfully and effectively sell what you’re selling at any given time, but how to also make the process of figuring out what to talk about SO. MUCH. SIMPLER. (You’ll get an example week of my content so that you can see exactly how I’ve applied this for myself.)
Eight Live Trainings
Starting on January 6th at 12pm Pacific, we’ll have weekly group trainings where we go through each step of The $500k Sales System, including two BONUS weeks to go over Meta Ads and The Rainbow Method. We’ll do Q+A at the end of each training as well.
YES, these will be recorded!
Supplementary Materials
For each lesson, you’ll receive supplementary training materials that will help you truly understand and put the lessons into action. This includes workbooks, templates, examples, and more.
Eight Live Group Coaching Calls
Because I want you to be as supported as possible, I wanted to offer additional group coaching calls for each week of the program as well. This is your time to ask me anything you’d like - from strategy guidance to help with a mindset block. Calls will take place on Thursdays at 12pm Pacific, starting on January 9th.
Private Facebook Group
To give you even more support, and so that you feel connected to the others taking the program, you’ll also have eight weeks of access to a private, members only Facebook community.
I’ll be active here Monday - Friday and will check in once or twice per day.
Lifetime Access
Through 2025, and possibly beyond, I’ll be launching The $500k Sales System four times per year. As a member of this round, you’ll have the ability to join any future round of the program I run.
** IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ALUMNI: We are sending out emails on how to access this round of the program. If you are missing this, please email hello@sara-dann.com. I REPEAT, EMAIL HELLO@SARA-DANN.COM. (AKA PRETTY PLEASE DON’T DM ME ABOUT THIS.) **
bonus # 1
Stack the Deck in Your Favor Mini Course
Free offers like challenges and live masterclasses/webinars are a brilliant way to not only get a ton of new people into your world, but to also STACK THE DECK IN YOUR FAVOR so that you get more sales each time you sell - but only when you do it correctly.
In this bonus, I want to show you how to strategically incorporate these types of events into your sales system so that it not only grows your audience and sales, but so that it also feels SIMPLE and CLEAN, because way too many overcomplicate this, or even worse, bomb them, because of lack of proper planning.
(You’ll get access to this week four.)
bonus # 2
The Show Up + Blow Up® Digital Card Deck
The Show Up + Blow Up® Card Deck includes 160 content prompts, divided into the four content categories of this sales system - GIVE, GIVE + ASK, ASK, ENGAGE.
These will ensure you NEVER run out of things to say and share to grow, nurture, sell to, and engage with your people.
(You’ll get access to this week five.)

A’s to your Q’s
Something I believe DEEPLY is that there is ALWAYS something to sell, sometimes it just takes a bit of creativity. Lucky for you, I am the program creation QUEEN. You will you have a ton of ideas to work with (WEEK 3), to help you create programs and offerings QUICKLY so that you can, essentially, pull money out of thin air. For real.
Absolutely not. A big part of this program is to help you start selling more regularly, and with more intention. I’m giving you the exact blueprint of how I did things when I was selling EVERY SINGLE DAY, but also how I’ve adjusted it now that I sell less frequently. BOTTOM LINE: You can adjust this system to work for YOU - and I’ll help you do that.
One of the things I love about this program is that it can help the woman making $0 at the moment, but it can also transform the business of a 6 figure earner. This system took me from a $160k year to a $500k+ one, and also was the only system I implemented for a million dollar 2020. I believe deeply it can help entrepreneurs at all levels.
First and foremost, I think it’s important to remember that you can absolutely make money without a huge audience. With that said, this program will teach you how to A. intentionally and consistently build your audience and B. capitalize on the audience you ALREADY have.
The first lesson focuses on building an engaged audience, largely based on my experience of growing/running/building a free Facebook group. However, I genuinely believe that almost ALL of the principles I share in this lesson can be applied to other platforms, such as Instagram, your Facebook profile, etc. and we will touch on other platforms a bit as well.
1 - The $500k Sales System is taught as a cohesive, chronological system. The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective is a membership that is structured more like a training library, with lessons on various topics. So while it includes the lessons inside The $500k Sales System, it’s not presented in the same chronological, systemized way.
2 - Because The Show Up + Blow Up® Collective is a membership, members only have access to the content while they’re an active member. If you purchase The $500k Sales System on its own (and complete all payments) you’ll get lifetime access to the content.
If you have taken ANY round of The $500k Sales System, you are invited to join the first six weeks of this training live. We are emailing all alumni with information, but you MUST register. If you have not received an email, you can email hello@sara-dann.com. DO NOT DM ME PLEASE.
If you were a member of the September 2023 round, or were an alumni that upgraded to be in that round, you’ll automatically be registered for this round.
Before you go…
It’s probably safe to say that you’ve considered taking a ton of different programs in the past, wondering if they would work for you. I get that.
I want you to know that I believe, with every bone in my body, that what I’m going to teach inside this program can change your life forever, because it changed mine, and many others.
This program means the world to me, and I know that after going through this program, you’ll finally…
✨ Be CRYSTAL clear on what needs to be in place so that you're creating and launching programs that your people pay for happily and easily.
✨ Have a simple and solid plan and know what to do EVERY SINGLE DAY to grow your audience and to bring in sales.
✨ Know how to simplify the process of making money consistently. NO more re-inventing the wheel or chasing new shiny strategies each week.
✨ Have a system that works for YOU - not a carbon copy of someone else’s.
✨ Feel confident and excited to share your programs with your audience - not just because selling no longer feels icky, but because you KNOW you’re creating things they want and need.
and i want you to know - YOU DESERVE all of THAT.
You ready?